Conservative Treatments, Hooray! (Wait, What Does That Mean?)

You might discover as you get to know our dental practice that we offer conservative treatments. While you can rely on your good senses to determine that this is a positive thing, you still might not understand what we mean by the term “conservative” as it applies to your dental care. Rest assured, you will be pleased with the details regarding how they affect the choices we make for you (as well as the way our care protects your smile). Let’s get started on the facts (so you can bring any remaining questions to us during your next appointment).

Making Conservative Choices

To begin, we would like to remind patients that a practice that offers conservative treatments is one that has your best interest at heart. We do not detect a possible symptom of an infection and immediately suggest a root canal. Instead, we thoroughly examine your smile and offer the least invasive, least complex treatment necessary. As a result, you don’t end up with a root canal treatment when you really just needed a filling or crown. You won’t find yourself with a full set of veneers when you really just needed dental bonding for a couple teeth. We make suggestions specific to your unique and carefully-researched needs every time.

About Conservative Treatments

Beyond our thoughtful selection of treatments is the conservative treatments themselves. We provide solutions that can best preserve your smile when possible. For instance, you have the option of selecting tooth-colored fillings, which remove less tissue than amalgam fillings require. We offer at-home whitening, which is extremely effective, as well as the safest option to ensure your teeth remain comfortable and healthy. Thoughtful, careful care always yields a successful, safe route to good oral health!