Portrait of a casually dressed handsome young Asian man smiling while standing alone outside on a city street on a sunny day

Restoring Your Gum Health

What steps do you take to preserve your smile? By focusing on your gum health, you protect the critical connective tissue between your teeth and jaw. The same efforts you put towards cleaning bacteria from the surface of your teeth help prevent an infection of the gum tissue that can cause you to lose tissue. […]

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Woman with nose piercing smiling

Promoting Your Healthy Gums

When your oral health practices focus on the cleanliness of your entire mouth, you can protect your gums from disease in the same manner you fight tooth decay. By maintaining a daily brushing and flossing routine, you remove the same bacterial threats that cause both cavities and gum infections. Failing to clean these deposits regularly […]

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Smiling woman in athletic clothes

Taking Care Of Your Gums

When you want to keep your smile healthy, it is important to focus on your gums as well as your teeth. While keeping your teeth clean is vital to oral health, your gingival health is key to securing your smile in place. These tissues seal the roots of your teeth and jaw from bacterial infection, […]

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