A Comprehensive Tooth Restoration
Among the various bacteria-related concerns that could affect your smile’s health, tooth decay is the most common. Though the early stages of dental decay and cavity formation might best be addressed with a dental filling, you might be surprised to learn about the wide variety of situations dental crown restorations can help resolve. Often referred to as caps, dental crowns are designed to mimic the top portion of your tooth, which is also called a crown. They’re placed over the top of a tooth to address issues such as extensive tooth damage, infection, or significantly weakened teeth. With the help of a custom dental crown, your compromised tooth can regain its ability to function properly without enduring even more extensive damage.
Custom Design and Fit
Because dental health needs vary, we provide a variety of crown types to meet each patient’s unique situation. For instance, back teeth typically withstand the most intense bite pressure, meaning they could benefit from a strong and sturdy crown when damaged. In this case, your back teeth may benefit most from metal restorations. For a more lifelike appearance, however, we often suggest either a porcelain or zirconia crown. Porcelain and zirconia crowns are also sturdy enough to withstand most bite pressure, and can blend in almost seamlessly with the appearance of your healthy, natural teeth.
Learn More About Your Dental Crown Options
Whether your tooth is cracked, broken, or has severely weakened over time, it can often be saved and restored with a custom-designed dental crown. For more information, schedule an appointment with our team by calling Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at (515) 965-0230. We welcome patients from the Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and surrounding communities, and we look forward to helping you achieve your smile goals.