Eruption Cyst Quiz with Ankeny Dentist

Parenting can overwhelm even the most experienced nurturers. Noticing odd lesions or cysts in the mouths of infants can leave parents worried, anxious, or confused about potential treatment for their young children. One visible dental issue seen at an early age involves eruption cysts. These cysts appear bluish in most cases, but can present themselves in other colors, depending on the condition and timing. Your Ankeny family dentist, Dr. Amanda Foust, developed a short true/false quiz for parents interested in learning more about eruption cysts.

Eruption Cyst Quiz

Label the following statement as either true or false

  • Eruption cysts usually result in pain for infants
  • Eruption cysts affect more girls than boys
  • Eruption cysts always require treatment

Eruption Cyst Answer Key

The first statement is – false. In most cases, eruption cysts do not cause pain for infants. Eruption cysts emerge during a stage of tooth development for children. Teeth begin formation protected in the jawbone. As teeth move through the bone and attempt to erupt through the gums, eruption cysts can form. The cysts develop because of the accumulated fluid and blood involved in the development and movement of children’s teeth. Once an eruption cyst appears, teeth will typically be near their final stage of development before tooth eruption.

The second statement is – false. After studying all of the evidence regarding eruption cysts, no gender possesses an increased risk for development. Although gender does not make a significant impact on eruption cyst development, some studies indicate that race plays a role. Studies indicate that Caucasian children experience the highest rate of developing eruption cysts.

The third statement is – false. In many cases, eruption cysts do not require treatment. Most of the time, these cysts last only a few days. An eruption cyst usually indicates a tooth’s completion of development and entrance into the final stage before eruption. However, some cases of eruption cysts require treatment if they last for more than a couple weeks. Treatment usually requires a small incision at the site of the cyst. Most children can undergo the treatment under local anesthetic.

Schedule Your Visit

Still worried about eruption cysts? Interested in learning more about the causes and potential treatment? At Dental Impressions, we offer comprehensive dental care to patients of all ages. Contact our 50021 family dentistry office by calling (515) 965-0230 to schedule an appointment today. We welcome patients from Ankeny, Polk City, Bondurant, Elkhart, Alleman, and all surrounding communities.