When You Can Choose Bonding In Place Of Orthodontics

As you may have already guessed, you cannot always rely on dental bonding instead of visiting an orthodontist to receive braces or similar treatment. Bonding, of course, is a cosmetic treatment that can make visual improvements. It cannot, however, shift and reconfigure the way your teeth are organized in your smile. However, you may have caught wind of the fact that in some instances, bonding is a wonderful way to address little issues that you might have assumed require orthodontic care. Let’s sort out the details, so you know what’s what.

Bonding For Spacing Between Teeth

First things first, you might initially think that you’re going to need braces if you have a space between two of your teeth. Or, if you have multiple spaces between teeth. While orthodontics is sometimes necessary, this is not always the case. Upon a thorough examination, we can talk with you about whether bonding may work. We can use dental bonding to address gaps, so your smile is free of them and appears completely consistent.

Bonding To Improve Uniformity

There are a lot of esthetic issues that may come into play, causing your smile to appear inconsistent. For some patients, they assume they need braces because their smiles appear asymmetrical or jagged. Sometimes, this uneven appearance has nothing to do with the alignment of your teeth. Instead, you have a smile with tooth lengths that vary significantly, leaving you with a poorly balanced visual effect. By extending short teeth with dental bonding, we can even out your smile line, so it appears uniform!