Know Your Bruxism: A Quiz

Do you know how to determine whether bruxism disorder is affecting your oral health? Are you unsure about how to differentiate between this and other functional disorders or do you think you’ve got a solid handle on the details? Are you up to speed on the best way to handle the issue, so you keep your smile healthy? If you don’t think you’re a master of bruxism just yet, we encourage you to try out our brief quiz to fill in the missing information.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: If you don’t think you’re suffering from bruxism disorder then you probably aren’t. You’ll definitely notice major symptoms.
  2. True or False: Bruxism is often easy to confused with TMJ disorder, both of which may occur simultaneously (and both of which may cause or become the result of one another).
  3. True or False: The best way to deal with bruxism is to create your own bruxism treatment at home by considering advice that you collect online.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. This is a very easy disorder to overlook. Unfortunately, since you brux (grind and clench) involuntarily, it’s very likely that you will do it without noticing until someone mentions it or until we detect it.
  2. True. One of the reasons it’s so important to receive a diagnosis from us (and treat bruxism disorder) is the fact that it’s very similar to, may contribute to, and may become aggravated by TMJ disorder.
  3. False. It’s essential that you receive professional care to protect your oral health.

Keep Bruxism At Bay

Keep up with dental checkups to ensure we can monitor and treat bruxism, should it occur, so you may maintain a healthy smile. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.