Is My Dental Hygiene Drying Out My Lips?

If your lips are becoming dry during your dental hygiene sessions, it’s probably not the brushing and flossing itself. Instead, your lips are likely already somewhat dried out before you start. As you brush, toothpaste on cracked lips will certainly feel unpleasant. Stretching your mouth open to floss may aggravate this problem, as well. So, what to do to ensure your oral health remains safe and that your lips feel much better? We have some simple suggestions.

Apply Balm Before Your Session

You want to keep your lips moist and supple, so they can stretch instead of peel, flake, or crack. You also want to heal any cuts. To do so, we encourage you to apply a protective, healing lip balm to your lips during the day, right when you get into bed, and before your dental hygiene sessions. Applying it before your brushing and flossing will aid in your ability to stretch your lips without any more damage and it will create a barrier to prevent any additional irritation.

Consider Your Entire “Getting Ready” Session

What else are you doing during the time that you perform your dental hygiene session? For many, this is also time for face washing and the application of astringent and other facial products. You may overlook that while you think your dry lips are associated with your brushing and flossing, it’s actually your face cleansing routine that’s causing the issue. Remember, your lips are very delicate. Products that come into contact with them (such as astringent) can lead to severe drying. Start completely avoiding your mouth area and applying products very carefully, so they don’t creep onto your lip tissue.

Get The Facts About Lip Health

Talk with us during your next dental checkup to find out how to keep your lip health in wonderful shape. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.