7 Reasons Your Smile Is Discolored

What you might not have recognized until just a moment ago is that there are many pathways that will lead toward a smile for which you think it just might be time for cosmetic help. Then again, you may hope your dental hygiene can help you maintain a pearly white grin. To learn more about why discoloration happens and how you can address it, think through seven common culprits.

Reason #1: It Happens Over Time (To Nearly Everyone)

You have heard of natural wear and tear. It’s simply the result of long-term use of something. As for your smile, over the years, staining is normal. Dental hygiene can help limit discoloration but you may not be able to escape it forever.

Reason #2: Tobacco

If you use tobacco, you’ll end up with stained teeth. The tar coats your teeth, the residue of which will turn teeth yellow. You’ll need cosmetic care for this one.

Reason #3: Poor Home Care

If you don’t practice optimal dental hygiene, you’re not cleaning staining food and beverage particles from your smile. Over time, they can quickly stain your smile. Improve your hygiene and come in for teeth whitening to address stains.

Reason #4: Skipped Dental Visits, Too

Similar to lax home care, skipped professional care can lead to discoloration, too, so call us to schedule visits.

Reason #5: You’re Eating Staining Things

The pigments from staining foods will discolor your teeth. The aforementioned good dental hygiene and limiting such foods will help you avoid yellowing.

Reason #6: Internal Trauma

A tooth that’s been injured can become discolored from within. You may require veneers or bonding to cover up the issue.

Reason #7: Medication Side Effects

Did you know certain meds can discolor your teeth? Generally speaking, you’ll need veneers or bonding to camouflage this deep type of staining.

Address Smile Discoloration With Our Help

Find out more about your smile’s discoloration and how we can help you erase and prevent it. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.