Help! Everything Tastes Different!

Perhaps you wake up one morning and your usual, favorite breakfast that you eat every single day doesn’t taste right. Then, lunch doesn’t taste right either. Or, perhaps over time you notice that more and more, the meals you tend to enjoy seem … different. In order to figure out the cause, we usually suggest you come in for a visit. Whether it’s your dental hygiene habits or something else, we can help you solve the mystery!

Why Do Things Taste Different Or Dull?

Generally speaking, when the foods you’re eating taste different or dull, your sense of smell is the major factor. It’s a huge component to your ability to taste your food, so if things suddenly shift, you may need to check for congestion, a sinus infection, or allergies and treat the problem. This issue can also occur as the result of certain medication side effects, from engaging in cigarette smoking, as the natural result of aging, and more. Consider these details, make sure you’re keeping up with everything necessary for good oral health (dental hygiene, checkups, and cleanings) and if you can’t figure it out, give us a call.

Why Does My Mouth Taste Bitter Or Metallic?

You will quickly discover that you’re going to have to do a little investigative work to figure this one out. While it can point to an underlying disease (which is why it’s always a good idea to check in with your doctor), this issue is usually nothing to worry about. Annoying, yes, but harmful? No. Typically, this frustrating shift is the result of one or more of the following:

  • Medication side effects
  • An unhealthy mouth as the result of poor dental hygiene (start brushing, flossing, and coming in for care!)
  • Changes in your hormones
  • Supplements containing metal (like certain vitamin combinations)

Come See Us For A Checkup

If your mouth tastes funny, foods taste funny, or you can’t seem to taste as well as you used to, come see us for a helpful visit. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.