3 Things That Are True About Cleanings

When you think about your dental cleaning that we suggest as part of your preventive care, do you feel like you’ve got the details sorted out? Do you generally receive this treatment like clockwork, while doing everything else required of you to protect your oral tissues? If you’re shrugging your shoulders and responding, “I guess so,” then it may be time to consider a few facts about cleanings. You’ll find that keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy becomes much easier as a result.

#1: You Need Them Twice A Year

You might think that since you’re very good with your dental hygiene and attention to detail that you only need to see us once a year for your dental cleaning. The truth is, no matter how wonderful you are with your smile care at home, you still need to see us two times each year. It has nothing to do with your brushing and flossing ability. There is just some plaque you don’t have the expertise to remove on your own.

#2: You Need To Pair Them With Dental Hygiene

Your care isn’t an either-or scenario in which you can rely on dental hygiene or dental cleanings to maintain a healthy smile. They only work optimally when combined, so you can keep your smile extremely clean and healthy.

#3: There’s More Than One Kind

If you have a healthy smile that does not show any signs of gum inflammation, you will receive a traditional dental cleaning. During this process, we will remove plaque and tartar from your smile and then polish your teeth. If you have gum inflammation, you will require a deep cleaning. We will remove plaque and tartar accumulation from beneath your gumline (often in one quadrant at a time) and smooth your dental tissue.

Get Your Twice Annual Cleanings For A Healthy Smile

Don’t skip your cleanings. Instead, come in for them twice a year, so you can ensure you’re keeping your mouth as healthy as you can. We can fill you in on all of the information you need. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.