The 3 C’s of Dental Bonding!

Dental bonding is a cosmetic treatment that can help you make your smile look so much better than its current state! While you might assume one of the three C’s we are covering today as they apply to bonding must be “cosmetic,” you’ll be pleased to learn there’s a lot more to this treatment than meets the eye. Let’s delve a bit deeper, so you can see that bonding just might be what your smile needs for an instant “face lift.”

#1: C Is For Camouflaging

First things first, it’s important to remember that one of the very exciting aspects of dental bonding is the fact that it can help you camouflage problems. Yes, it can fill spaces and extend tooth lengths. However, don’t forget that it can cover up stains, cover up textural problems, cover up craze lines, and more!

#2: C Is For Composite

How does bonding work, you wonder? Always remember that composite is the material we use. Just to throw another C term into the mix, composite is customizable! What this all boils down to: We can match the color of the material to your tooth (or make it brighter if you need whitening) and manipulate it for whatever effect you need.

#3: C Is For Cost Effective

When comparing cosmetic care choices, you will quickly discover that bonding is known for its cost effectiveness. Why so? Well, it’s considered budget friendly, which means you won’t need to worry about a large investment (and the results will last for several years).

Fix Small Complaints With Dental Bonding

When you need more tissue to fix up a minor esthetic issue, bonding just might be the way to go. Visit us for dental care in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.