The Reasoning Behind Conservative Treatments

First, what does ‘conservative treatments’ mean? The term ‘conservative treatments‘ refers to treatments that are done in effort to conserve the integrity of the tooth. Conservation is key. Decisions are made and recommendations are made with the main objective of saving as much as the tooth with as little as disruption as possible. Dentistry focused on conservative care is focused on overwhelming the patient and the tooth with treatment. At Dental Impressions, we aim to meet your smile goals. We want to restore the function and dazzling appearance of your teeth while keeping your teeth and tissues safe!

Starting small

Conservative treatments means finding a solution for your needs that will be the least physically and time-invasive as possible. If you have symptoms of an infection, we will not jump to recommending a root canal treatment. We will research and explore all of the options in an effort to find the least complex and invasive treatment. In the case of the infection, we may find that a simple filling is enough to conserve your tooth. If you are looking for a smile makeover because of some chips or cracks, we may recommend bonding and contouring before discussing porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are great options, but bonding and contouring can leave more of your natural tooth intact.

Your best interest at heart

Again, our number one goal is to conserve your teeth. But we also want to save your time, money, and keep you as comfortable as possible. Conservative care is all about offering choices that save as much tooth while making as little impact on the whole as possible. Imagine when artists restore masterpiece paintings to conserve them throughout time. There is upkeep on the Mona Lisa and the Sisteen Chapel, but the goal is to make as little of change as possible while also conserving the integrity of the piece. Conservative dentistry is the same.

Caring is key with conservative treatments

Dr. Foust specializes in conservative care. Schedule a consultation by calling Dental Impressions at (515) 965-0230. We proudly serve the residents of Ankeny, IA, as well as residents from Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and all surrounding communities.