Dental Hygiene: What Are Your Kids Mimicking?

As with just about anything else that they observe, your little kids are learning about dental hygiene from you. While it’s easy to sometimes forget that your children are little sponges, soaking up every detail that they see, it’s important to remember that this is true! As a result, we encourage you to think through your dental hygiene habits that you practice when you’re brushing and flossing with your little ones.

Are You Timing Yourself?

If you sometimes brush really quickly because you’re exhausted, you just want your kids to get their brushing done, and you want to go to bed, we understand! However, we also gently encourage you to set a timer for the whole family to use. This will ensure you’re brushing for two minutes, your kids are brushing for two minutes, and everyone’s dental hygiene is as successful as can be! Your kids will remember this and, hopefully, it will become habit.

Are You Happy?

Yep, we know. Feeling peppy during every single dental hygiene session is not necessarily something that’s going to be easy to make a reality. However, if you’re unhappy about brushing or flossing, if you complain, or if you show that you really don’t have time for it, your kids will pick up on this. Consider making these few minutes (remember, it really just takes a few minutes for brushing and flossing) fun and light for everyone by having a quick self pep talk beforehand. Then, include some happy music or something that will put a smile on everyone’s faces, so dental care is a positive in your household!

Make Dental Hygiene Happy For The Whole Family

If you’ve got children and you’re having a hard time making dental hygiene a positive, consistent experience, remember that we will be more than happy to help you make improvements. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.