Your Mouthwash Quiz

You know what to do with your toothbrush and toothpaste and even how to select the best options. When it comes to dental floss, you have mastered the ins and outs of this part of your dental hygiene! However, when presented with the concept of mouthwash, how are you feeling? Do you think you might need a bit of a refresher to ensure you’re on the right track? No problem at all! Start off with our quiz.

True or False: Quiz Questions

  1. True or False: All mouthwashes are pretty much the same. You can pick anything off of the shelf in the dental hygiene aisle, while expecting similar results.
  2. True or False: Cosmetic mouthwash is one that will temporarily freshen your breath. It doesn’t fix the problem but instead masks the odors for a little while. Therapeutic addresses bad breath and other concerns because it’s also treating issues like excessive bacteria.
  3. True or False: If a problem already exists like tooth decay or gingivitis, you will still need to see us even if you’re using mouthwash. You cannot cure existing oral health problems with mouthwash.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. Some mouthwashes are considered cosmetic; others are called “therapeutic.” They do not do the same things for your oral health.
  2. True. If you just need to cover up something strong smelling that you ate, cosmetic mouthwash is effective. If you are trying to prevent gingivitis, decay, plaque buildup, or if you’d like to control bacteria, then therapeutic is what you need.
  3. True. You cannot fix existing damage with mouthwash or other efforts in dental hygiene. Instead, you will need professional restorative care.

Get The Dental Hygiene Details Your Smile Needs

If you’re unsure about an aspect of your care, come in to learn more and to have your smile checked and cleaned. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.