3 Smile Issues You Should Stop Feeling Guilty About

If you tend to feel guilty when something isn’t going exactly according to plan with your oral health, we have some news for you: There are times when your smile might not be in perfect condition but it’s not something you need to feel bad about because you can’t exactly control it. Or, you may have had no idea you were doing something wrong. Want some examples, so you can remember to be kind to yourself? No problem.

#1: Your Bruxism

Patients often feel guilty about their bruxism. However, there is no reason to feel bad about grinding or clenching your teeth. When we talk about it being a negative oral health habit, we don’t mean that you’re sitting around doing it on purpose, even with knowledge of the consequences. It’s involuntary. That means, it probably happens without you even recognizing it. However, once you know it’s there, you should treat it with our care.

#2: A Little Wear And Tear

Don’t let a little bit of discoloration or a tiny chip or mild erosion get you down. You’ve been using your teeth for an entire lifetime, so wear and tear is par for the course. If you don’t love the way it looks, however, we can help with cosmetic dentistry.

#3: Your Too-Hard Brushing

If you thought you were doing a great job with you oral health because you were putting everything you had into your brushing (but then we informed you that you were going a little bit overboard) this is nothing to feel guilty about. Your good intentions were certainly there! Instead of wasting time feeling bad about it, simply make changes. We are happy to offer you a variety of ways to fix the problem and can even help you reestablish wonderful gum health.

Let Us Help With Your Minor Smile Concerns

Remember that there’s no reason to feel guilty about issues that you could not have helped. Instead, allow us to assist you with getting back on track! Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.