Quiz: Smile Structure And Bite Balance

You may assume that your ability to comfortably bite down is associated wholly with your alignment. As a result, if you think you probably require braces because your teeth just don’t feel the way they used to when you chew, rest, talk, etc., it might be better to consider something else first: It may have more to do with your smile structure. Not sure what we mean by this? You’ll find out with a quiz if perhaps you need some restorative care.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: Tooth loss can negatively affect the way your teeth fit comfortably together because some of the structure you rely on is gone. As a result, it’s best to always replace missing teeth with the help of restorative care.
  2. True or False: When you’ve already had dental work performed it the past but it’s holding up poorly or has been placed wrong, this can actually throw your bite off, even though you may assume it has something to do with alignment.
  3. True or False: When your tooth is damaged, even if its surface is slightly worn, it can become a noticeable issue when you chew, talk, etc.

Quiz Answers

  1. True. This is something patients frequently overlook. Every tooth in your smile (except for wisdom teeth) are absolutely necessary. Protecting the balance of your smile, of course, is one of the reasons you need them.
  2. True. It might seem like you need braces but getting damaged or poor restorative work fixed is often all you require.
  3. True. We may need to address problems like cavities, chips, cracks, erosion, etc., by building up your tooth tissue or placing a crown, so you may reestablish a bit that feels comfortable.

Address Bite Concerns With Restorative Care

Remember that restorative treatments are often all that is necessary in order to have your teeth fit together as they are meant to. We can fill you in on all of the information you need. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.