Give Yourself The Gift Of Good Breath!

Don’t have very good breath? Wish you could do something about your bad breath but you’re starting to think this is just going to be something you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life? If so, you don’t know very much about halitosis! The good news is that you can absolutely expect a fresher mouth to appear on the horizon, assuming, of course, that you’re ready to follow through with some important steps! Let’s get going with those details, so you can feel wonderful about your smile sooner than later.

Schedule A Dental Visit

Good breath is the result of a clean, healthy smile. If you have periodontal problems, plaque buildup, dental work that requires replacement, or other issues, then you’re going to have a very hard time achieving your goal (that is, unless you come in for dental care).

Check On Your Choices With Food

Of course, you know that the first step is to be a bit more thoughtful about your food and seasoning choices. If you know that your extreme consumption of garlic is partly to blame, take this into consideration (and eat less of it!).

Improve Your Approach

You might need to do a better job with the way you’re caring for your smile if you want better breath. Now, for your smile care: This is all about removing bacteria. When they’re only minimally present, your smile smells better (because bacteria create gross odors). Good breath is often achieved with:

  • Brushing twice daily (brush two minutes, two times a day)
  • Flossing once daily (lots of bacteria hang out between teeth)
  • Don’t rush or cut corners or you’ll miss plaque and food

Enjoy Good Breath With Our Help

You can absolutely have good breath again! Come in for a dental visit to get back on track. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.