Dental Care Part 2: Ask Your Kids What’s Wrong

While self-reflection and figuring out what’s going on with your own feelings about dental care is something you can do quite easily with just a little push from us, learning about your children’s feelings is a bit different. Of course, they don’t completely comprehend the significance of brushing and flossing and visits, so not wanting to brush just because they don’t feel like it is certainly a serious factor. Fortunately, we can help you gain a better understanding of how their care is going and if any small changes might make an impact with some simple questions.

Ask Your Kids How They Feel About Smile Care

It’s a good idea to begin by asking your children what they think about dental care. You never know what you’re going to get but you may end up with some insightful details. Perhaps your children don’t mind it. Or, perhaps there are particular details they find very unpleasant. If you work on those particulars, brushing and flossing will become A-OK for everyone!

Ask Your Kids How Their Smiles Feel

Ask your little ones how their smiles feel. You may be overlooking the fact that dental care isn’t always a breeze because of a loose or uncomfortable tooth, because brushing is uncomfortable, flossing doesn’t feel so great, etc. When you address the problem, dental hygiene becomes comfortable and your kids can relax.

Ask Your Kids About Their Dental Hygiene Products

It’s always good to sort through the products your children use, asking them about each one. Make sure your child’s brush is the right size and comfortable, make sure everyone is happy with the dental floss and toothpaste flavors, and ensure nobody is grossed out by anything you can easily remedy.

Protect Kids’ Smiles By Seeing Us For Visits

Remember that we are happy to help you get your children’s smiles up-to-date and healthy and to guide you with your home care. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.