Teens: Smile Care Suggestions

When your kids are little, you brush and floss their teeth for them until they are ready to do so independently. Then, you monitor their early attempts to make sure they’re actually getting the job done (and not swallowing any toothpaste). Next, you spend a handful of years yelling into the bathroom Hey! Did you brush your teeth? Then, you wake up and you’re looking at a teenager. They are still kids who may or may not be doing a wonderful job with their smile health efforts but they’re much older and you ask yourself: Now what? Fortunately, we can help.

Keep Checking In

Your teens will not love that you’re asking them whether they’re brushing and flossing. However, occasionally checking in on what they’re doing is going to be something you still do. You won’t stand at the door and watch or yell every night Hey, did you brush? Did you floss? But you might poke your head in every now and then. You’ll take a closer look at their smiles. They may be extremely disturbed when you say, “Your breath hasn’t been so hot lately, you need to remember to brush twice a day and floss once.” However, they’ll be happy later in life when they have excellent smile health.

Bring Them Shopping

It’s helpful to bring your teens shopping with you when you’re planning on picking up new toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss. There are two reasons for this little smile health endeavor. First, you will be giving them all of the information they need to buy their own dental hygiene products when they’re out on their own someday. Next, letting them choose what they like may help them feel more in control and more motivated to brush, floss, and keep up with their smiles.

Bring Them To Us

Cleanings, checkups, advice, and clinical-based suggestions from a dentist will help your cause and will help keep your child’s smile health safe!

Bring Your Teens In For Dental Care

Remember that cleanings and checkups are essential for every member of your smile, from little ones on up! Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.