Things To Remember: Food Stuck Between Teeth

Nobody ever goes home from a dinner, looks in the mirror, and squeals with excitement upon noticing food stuck between teeth. Instead, this is a very annoying issue to deal with. It can make dental hygiene frustrating. It can cause embarrassment. It may encourage decay. It won’t smell so great if you have trouble removing the food. So, you ask yourself, what should you be doing about this oral health dilemma? We can help.

If It’s Really Stuck

If you’re dealing with food that is really, really jammed between your teeth and your usual flossing will not let it budge, then this is when it’s time to step away from your dental hygiene arsenal and come in for a visit. You could harm your oral health if you were to try to remove it through other means. We will be happy to do it for you (and offer suggestions to keep it from happening again).

If It’s Just Daily Debris

Just dealing with the daily debris? Remember that keeping dental floss on hand, flossing when food becomes stuck if you need to, and always flossing once daily will help keep your smile free of buildup.

If This Is Due To Spaces

If you have a problem with getting food stuck between teeth consistently either because of a space from your natural smile alignment or due to tooth loss, this is something you can fix. In fact, it’s something you should consider repairing to promote much better oral health and an easier time with your dental hygiene. Remember to talk with us about bonding or veneers (or receiving a referral to a trusted orthodontist for gaps). Or, if your concern is due to missing teeth, speak with us about your replacement solutions.

We Can Help You Improve Your Dental Hygiene

No matter the reason for your concern with dental hygiene, even if you’re struggling with spacing, it’s always best to speak with us. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.