Seeing Your Dentist: Dental Care During Pregnancy

Contrary to what you might believe, it’s actually very important that you continue your professional dental care during your pregnancy. If you thought that it wasn’t a good idea to come in for dental visits or any type of treatment, this actually isn’t the case. It’s extremely important you are consistent, as maintaining the health of your mouth (which is connected to the rest of your body) promotes good things for mom and baby. In addition, as your hormones shift, so might your smile health! So, a quick word from our female dentist follows: Get your visit scheduled today with our Ankeny, IA practice, so you can rest easy!

About Stuff You Might Not Expect

If you haven’t heard of it yet, pregnancy gingivitis is a real thing. Remember, your hormones are going through a dramatic shift! What this means for your smile is that the blood flow to your gums has increased. As a result, your gums become more sensitive to plaque and tartar, so you’re even more prone to developing inflammation and gum disease. Did you know that the softening/loosening of your body’s ligaments may also apply to your smile, which can cause teeth to feel loose? Not to worry. We are here to protect your smile (so you might want to keep coming in for care!).

About Routine Care

Your smile really needs dental cleanings and it really needs dental checkups throughout your pregnancy. As mentioned, you’re at a greater risk of developing gingivitis, which means the cleaner we keep your teeth, the better. Keeping a consistent watch on your smile, as well, ensures any treatments you might require can be taken care of early (and your female dentist can simply offer you the reassurance you need regarding your oral health).

Feeling Comfortable

If there’s any part of you that feels a bit hesitant to discuss your pregnancy and you feel more comfortable talking about the details with a woman, well good news: As mentioned, you’ll be meeting with a female dentist who has children of her own! You’re walking in to a very supportive environment (an all female team, as well) in which you are more than welcome to ask questions and receive all of the guidance you need in order to feel confident about your oral health and smile care during this very exciting time.

See Us During Your Pregnancy For Excellent Oral Health

Come in throughout your pregnancy to keep up with your smile health, so you know all is well! Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.