Tooth-Colored Fillings: Unanswered Questions You Want To Ask!

You have long heard about tooth-colored fillings and now, here you are, finding yourself in need of one. While it sounds nice at first blush, you immediately find that the questions you’ve always had about this type of restorative care are still there. However, now they are unanswered questions that you would really like to ask because you’d prefer to feel totally and completely sure about the choices you make for your smile before you follow through with them. No problem! Our Ankeny, IA team is so pleased to help you feel enthusiastic and resolved about protecting and repairing your oral health.

How Do You Pick The Filling Color?

We remind you that there isn’t just a selection of a handful of tones to choose from when we offer custom dental work, such as tooth-colored fillings or crowns. Instead, we truly do customize the color of the material we work with. So, we’re finding a precise match in tone to ensure the finish of the filling matches the color of your tooth, leaving you with a seamless transition and a tooth that just looks like it used to (healthy).

How Do You Choose The Material?

When we’re placing a tooth-colored filling, there is no guesswork involved! We always use something that is known as composite. Never heard of it? It’s moldable, sculpt-able, and composed of acrylic resin. It’s metal free, so it’s safe and beautiful for everyone!

How Do You Know I Really Need It?

When we examine your smile during a dental checkup, we investigate to see if there are any changes at all with your mouth. If we detect decay, we take a very detailed look at it with the assistance of digital X-rays. So, we aren’t just guessing that you have a cavity. We have an up-close, behind-the-scenes, full scope of your tooth that lets us know damage has begun! To stop this progressive oral illness, a dental filling is needed.

How Do I Protect My Filling?

Your dental filling is easy to protect. You may worry that a tooth-colored filling requires some type of special care but it doesn’t! It just requires the same preventive protection as the rest of your smile and dental work. Your brushing, your flossing, and your visits with our team will cover it!

Get Answers To Pressing Filling Questions

When you have unanswered questions about any aspect of your smile health and the treatments we suggest for you, we remind you that we are happy to answer them! Just schedule an appointment and ask! Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.