Chewing Pain: 4 Important Takeaways

When you’re not dealing with any type of discomfort, everything’s fine! You don’t think too much about the safety of your smile (beyond the fact that you need to practice your usual preventive care, of course). However, when you deal with any level of chewing pain, suddenly your world feels topsy turvy! What does this mean for your oral health, why are you dealing with discomfort primarily when you bite down, and what do you do about it? Our Ankeny, IA team reminds you that everything will be okay! That is, assuming you take time to visit us soon! Learn more.

#1: It’s Never Normal

We always offer patients the reminder that it’s never normal for your teeth to hurt when you chew. If you experience chewing pain, it usually means that something isn’t going exactly as you would hope with your oral health. However, with that said, we remind you that there’s no reason to become upset or to panic. Instead, remember that we are here to help! Protect the site by trying to use other teeth to chew and, if pain persists, you may rinse with saltwater and you may take an over-the-counter pain reliever for relief.

#2: You Need A Dental Visit

Now, what’s the cause, you ask, and what can you do about your chewing pain? The number one thing you need to focus on doing for yourself is contacting our practice to set up a dental checkup! The only way we can get to the bottom of what is causing your pain and to determine the course of action necessary to fix that particular cause is to see you. We will examine your smile and ask you questions. We will take digital X-rays, if necessary, for a detailed analysis of your current oral health. Then, you’ll be on the road toward improvement!

#3: It Could Be Related To Hygiene

To begin, chewing pain may be related to your dental hygiene. Remember that if you have developed an issue like a tooth infection or tooth decay, your nerves become aggravated and may be exposed. When you bite down, you end up experiencing pain. Don’t hesitate to contact us! You may also have a damaged tooth, such as a crack.

#4: It Could Be A Functional Concern

Remember, as well, that chewing pain is often the result of functional issues, such as bruxism disorder. If you’re grinding and clenching frequently, then your teeth are already aggravated and may be worn, eroded, chipped, or broken, causing pain.

See Us About Chewing Pain

If you experience any type of discomfort when you’re chewing, remember that this is a sign that you may require professional dental care. Rather than wait it out or hope for the best, come in for a visit and treatment! Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.