Toothpaste: Easy Advice For “How?” Questions!

Do you know whether or not the way you’re using your toothpaste is absolutely fantastic, if you’re using a product that can’t be beat, or if perhaps you should change to some other selection? When you suddenly find yourself feeling unsure about this staple of your daily smile care, you may be shocked! There are questions about dental hygiene that seem simple but about which you are completely unsure. Remember: This happens to even the most dedicated patient! To make life easy (and your smile healthy), seek advice from our Ankeny, IA team!

How Much Do You Like Your Toothpaste?

Our team wants you to remember that when the question of “how much do you like your toothpaste” arises, this is very important! If you’re not answering, “A lot!” then it’s time for a new one. You should take time to find things that make your taste buds happy (and that you simply prefer), so you’re more prone to use them and feel good about dental hygiene.

How Much Are You Using?

Are you under the impression that the more toothpaste you can fit within your mouth as you brush, the better it helps you protect against problems like cavity development? This isn’t an unusual way of thinking. However, it is also not an accurate way of approaching dental hygiene. Don’t feel bad! Instead, revise your approach by considering the fact that the answer to the “how much should I use” question is always going to be the same and it’s probably a lot less than you think it is. We remind patients of the following particulars:

  • If you’re an adult, teen, or a child three years of age or older, you should squeeze a pea-size dollop onto you bristles!
  • If your child is younger than three, then use even less: The amount of one grain of rice!

How Well Is It Working?

Is it hard to tell? After all, you’re using a toothbrush and dental floss, too, so pinpointing which particular product is or is not working can become confusing. However, you simply suspect that your toothpaste is not providing good results or you have recently switched and you can tell that there’s a big difference, we remind you that it’s a perfectly wise choice to either switch back or to find something else. When you’re trying to determine the essential requirements to consider as you seek out a paste that will work, remember the following:

  • Look for ADA acceptance
  • Use fluoride
  • Avoid abrasives

Receive Dental Hygiene Advice

Tell us when you think you’re using toothpaste that isn’t working, you’re not sure what to buy, you don’t know how to best use it, etc. Keep in mind that our team is full of helpful advice for all aspects of your smile care. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.