Preventive Care: Consider These Benefits

It’s easy to forget about preventive care appointments when you are not in the throes of a particular dental issue. When teeth are healthy, smiles are straight and attractive and everyone is brushing regularly, you might think that hour could be better used somewhere else. Your trusted family dentist in Ankeny, IA reminds you that preventive care is a crucial component in maintaining good oral health, and these appointments have benefits you might overlooking.

It Fits in Your Schedule

Dental trouble can come about at any time. By their very nature dental emergencies arise suddenly, and in that situation, call us right away and we can advise you. We have same-day appointments and can work you in, if needed. But preventive care can occur on your schedule, with a planned appointment at a convenient time, in our comfortable office.

It Sets A Good Example

Being a good role model is a responsibility most adults are willing to undertake. Good role model behaviors include not texting and driving, and saving dessert for after dinner. Oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing daily, and coming to see us every six months or so are two other examples. At these visits, we can assess everyone for early signs that something needs intervention, and advise on  special treatments that benefit children’s teeth.

It Keeps Us (and You) Up to Date

Preventive appointments allow us to update your health history, check on medication use and make sure we have aware of outside issues, like diabetes and heart-related changes than can be affected by the state of your dental health. In addition, we can offer you information on cosmetic opportunities such as teeth-whitening or discreet teeth straightening, that may have changed or improved since you last inquired.

Don’t Skimp On Preventive Care for your Smile

If you are due for a preventive care appointment, don’t put it off for the summer. Check your calendar and schedule an appointment for the sake of your smile. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.