Important Things To Remember About Teen Dental Care 

You need dental care. Your little ones need it. If you have kids in college, they require it. As you may have guessed, that means your teens require it, too! However, you may find that you’re not always completely sure about what their care is going to entail, how to best go about ensuring they receive it, and more. We get it! Fortunately, our Ankeny, IA team can also offer you the quick, bullet-point advice you are searching for, so you feel you’ve got a good handle on protecting your kiddos’ smiles throughout this segment of their lives!

We Offer It!

First things first, we offer not only comprehensive dental care for adults but we also offer children’s dentistry. In short: We provide the complete care your entire family needs and we are here to guide your son or daughter throughout his or her oral development! With that said, keep in mind that your children need consistent preventive care, just like you, and they need restorative care when problems arise, just like you. Remember the following:

  • Everyone in your family needs to see us twice a year for visits
  • Everyone in your family needs to brush twice a day (morning and evening) for two-minute sessions
  • Everyone in your family needs to floss once a day, too!

Remind Teens About Smile Protection And Appearance

Telling your teenagers that their dental care is a priority because otherwise, they’ll get cavities and when they’re older, they will lose their teeth should do the trick. However, it doesn’t. They don’t have the same capacity as you do just yet for such refined cause-and-effect consequences (and the future feels far away). However, one thing you can count on more easily is the fact that they don’t want stained or esthetically damaged teeth. So, keep this in mind, when you’re explaining some of the reasons brushing, flossing, and visits are so important!

Keep Up Your Own Good Work!

Remember that when you set an example, it makes your life easier. Why? Well, because your kids who will turn into teenagers will see the way that you consistently take care of your oral health with brushing, flossing, and visits, and they’ll know that it’s just what responsible people do for their smiles!

Protect Your Teens’ Smiles With Dental Care

Get all of the details, help, information, and guidance you could ever need in terms of helping your teen maintain his or her smile, when you visit our practice! Remember your child’s twice-annual visits, too! Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.