How Can You Tell If You Need To Replace Your Toothbrush?

Is your toothbrush still up to the task of protecting your smile? As time passes, repeated brushing can begin wearing down a toothbrush’s bristles, making them less effective at clearing away bacteria and food debris. One thing you should do to stay safe against problems like tooth decay and gum disease is regularly replace brushes when they start to become worn down. You should pick up a new one after three month mark. However, if you notice that your bristles start to appear worn down before them, picking up a new one sooner is recommended. Our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office is committed to helping patients remain healthy in between their dental checkups. Because of this, we happily provide guidance on good habits at home. These instructions can be particularly beneficial to younger patients during pediatric dental exams, but people of all ages should take advantage of helpful advice.

How Effective Is Your Approach To Protecting Your Smile?

How long has it been since you had to undergo cavity treatment? Are you free from any symptoms of gingivitis? Recent problems with your oral health can indicate that your approach to oral care might benefit from some improvement. With that said, you may want to reconsider your current habits even if you have not struggled with problems of late. After all, better preventive care can help reduce your risks for tooth decay, gum disease, and embarrassing issues like bad breath.

Why You Should Replace Your Toothbrush After Three Months

While a soft bristle toothbrush can effectively keep your teeth clean, the condition of those bristles matters. In time, the friction produced when you brush can wear them down. When this occurs, their ability to remove harmful materials is negatively impacted. In the period of time when you continue to use a worn brush, you can be more likely to pick up plaque deposits which can harden and form tartar.

Other Steps You Should Take To Improve Your Daily Dental Care

If you want to avoid future problems that require dental fillings or dental crowns, the following changes can help you protect your smile.

  • When you brush, you should take at least two minutes to make sure you reach every area of your smile
  • Be sure to floss on a daily basis – by doing so, you ensure that spaces between teeth are cleaned
  • Remember that your oral care routine is also supposed to protect you against gum disease, and take care to clean at the base of your teeth
  • Cut back on products like soda and other sweet items, as they increase your risk for cavities by providing more sugar for oral bacteria to consume

Your Ankeny, IA Dentist Can Offer Guidance On Better Smile Care

At our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office, patients who are concerned about their dental health can look forward to guidance and preventive care during dental exams. For more information on what we can do to help you protect your smile, call Dental Impressions at (515) 965-0230.