A Sturdy Solution For Missing Teeth

Have you recently lost one of your teeth? The harm of tooth loss can go far beyond its effect on your personal appearance. Whether from physical injury or contraction of disease, a missing tooth can reduce your ability to properly bite and chew at mealtime. Left untreated, this problem can cause significant problems with your oral health as you awkwardly shift your jaw to account for the gap in your smile. Remaining teeth can become loose as they lose the support of the neighbor that once held them in support. Receiving appropriate care to address your loss requires knowing what prosthodontic options are available; fortunately, your Ankeny, IA dentist is here to help.

The placement of a dental implant serves the health of your jaw and can restore the operation of your bite. By inserting a titanium post into your jawbone, we allow for the attachment of a prosthetic above your gumline that mimics the appearance of a natural tooth in your mouth. This sturdy solution addresses concerns with both immediate function and the look of your smile to better serve your long-term oral health.

How Dental Implants Replace Missing Teeth

A dental implant can reduce the stress and frustration you feel from losing one of your teeth, and it can even restore your confidence in the appearance of your smile. This treatment uniquely addresses threats to your jawbone health as well. When you lose one of your teeth, you lose important stimulation to the jaw that your missing roots once provided. This stimulation sends a signal to your brain to provide vital nutrients to support the ongoing health of the bone. When the signal is lost, the body diverts resources to other bones and your jaw may begin to lose its density. A dental implant addresses concerns with stimulation by inserting a post directly into the bone itself. After your surrounding tissues fuse to the post, we can attach a restoration, such as a dental crown, above your gumline. A crown can then directly transfer the force of daily chewing through the post into your jaw and help prevent the loss of density.

Dental Bridges Can Fill The Gap

A dental bridge is another solution for replacing your missing tooth and returning a more beautiful smile. By placing two crowns on either side of your gap, we can attach a prosthetic and prevent shifting of teeth into the missing area. This can be a beneficial solution for many, so we will examine the overall health of your mouth and provide recommendations on the right solution for you!

Call Your Ankeny, IA Dentist And Discuss The Benefits Of A Dental Implant!

Dental implants restore crucial stimulation to your jaw and allow for the placement of a restoration that simulates the look and function of your missing tooth. For more information on tooth replacement or any other service, schedule an appointment with your Ankeny, IA dentist at 515-207-6182. We also serve patients who live in Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and any other surrounding community!