Older man smiling in countryside

How We Replace Missing Teeth

Losing one of your teeth can leave you feeling frustrated and wondering what options are available to restore your full smile. When you experience tooth loss, whether through physical injury, disease, or decay, you can lose the proper function of your bite and remain open to future problems with your oral health. This means you should discuss your options for treatment with your dentist promptly after losing a tooth. Fortunately, there are multiple solutions available to enhance your smile that can address the specific scope of your situation and serve both esthetic and functional goals. A dental bridge can cover the gap in your teeth by connecting a restoration between dental crowns that are placed on healthy remaining teeth.

You can also address your missing tooth by receiving the placement of a dental implant. Your Ankeny, IA dentist can insert a titanium post directly into your jawbone to provide long lasting support for the pressures of daily chewing. The post provides for the placement of a prosthetic above your gumline such as a dental crown or bridge. Whichever solution you choose, we can help you recover from tooth loss with a beautiful restoration that returns the appearance of a full smile!

Dental Bridges Can Fill The Gap

Knowing all of your options for prosthodontic care can reduce the frustration you feel after losing a tooth. The proper restoration can restore a sense of pride in your smile while increasing your ability to enjoy a meal through improving the function of your bite. Left untreated, a gap in your smile can lead to future oral problems as neighboring teeth begin to shift into the open space. They can become loose as they lose support from one another and leave you with an uneven bite. A dental bridge is a wonderful treatment for preventing this shift and mimicking the appearance of a natural tooth. By placing crowns on the two teeth on either side of your gap, we can connect a bridge that allows you to bite and chew comfortably.

Dental Implants Can Support Your Jaw

A dental implant can help you restore a missing tooth while providing important support to your jawbone. Loss of a tooth can lead to jawbone loss when the bone no longer receives daily stimulation from the pressures of chewing. This can lead to remaining teeth becoming loose as they lose support of the bone that holds them in place. A dental implant allows for the placement of a restoration that can transfer needed force into your bone to signal the brain that it is in use. This can prevent potential future loss.

Speak With Your Ankeny, IA Dentist And Discuss Options For Tooth Replacement!

Losing a tooth can lead to future oral problems when left untreated. Restorations such as dental bridges and implants can improve the look of your smile while preventing future harm. For more information on tooth replacement, schedule an appointment with your Ankeny, IA dentist at 515-207-6182. We also serve patients who live in Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and any other surrounding community!