ankeny dental implants

What Makes Implants The Optimal Tooth Replacement Option?

Dental implants can address a single missing tooth or even support a bridge or denture to treat tooth loss. They offer not only a lifelike appearance, but a durability and longevity that removable dentures and traditional bridges cannot provide. In today’s blog, your Ankeny, IA, dentist talks about our dental implants.

The Causes of Tooth Loss (and The Impacts of Missing Teeth)

Our natural teeth could be lost due to a severe cavity or an untreated infection. Injury to the face or jaw could be a factor too. The most common cause is actually periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease. While the cause could vary, the result is a gap in your smile that can make you feel uncomfortable. Without treatment, this could cause teeth to drift from position to cause misalignment, or could alter the balance of your bite and strain your jaw. But the most severe complication is the loss of mass and density in the jaw, which occurs when the body stops sending calcium and phosphates to the jaw around the missing root. You risk further tooth loss and could even develop an aged appearance! Fortunately, we have dental implants to fill these gaps and prevent these complications.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

The dental implant is made of three major components. The implant section is screw-like in appearance and made from biocompatible titanium. The post is inserted into the jaw and acts like a new root. The body accepts this as natural tooth structure, and this stimulates the growth of jawbone tissue to prevent the loss of mass and density, so your new teeth can last for decades and protect your youthful facial features. Next is the abutment, a small piece attached to the post that extends above the gumline. Finally, the restoration (or a portion of a prosthetic), which is connected to the abutment (or abutments) to support the part people see when you smile, and the part that restores your ability to eat your favorite foods.

Securing New Teeth

Unlike traditional options, this preserves the jawbone to prevent changes to the jaw ridge, so your new teeth or your prosthetic can stay in place for years to come. Our team will choose the best angle and position to ensure these posts, and can replace a single missing tooth or support a complete denture! If you have any questions about implant dentistry, or if you have missing teeth, then contact our team today.

Talk To Your Ankeny, IA Dentist About Implant Dentistry

Our team is eager to help you maintain good oral health and full smiles. If you would like to learn more about securing a full smile again, please contact your Ankeny, IA dentist’s office at (515) 207-6182 to schedule a visit.