Sally Field Ankeny IA

Enhance Your Smile With Professional Teeth Whitening

When your smile starts to turn dim or yellowed, take the time to talk with a helpful dental team about your condition. You may have an accumulation of stains on your enamel that has discolored your teeth, which is a common condition that we can treat both in the office and with a convenient whitening kit that you can take home. Talk to your dentist about your options and learn about the advantages of cosmetic dental improvement with a professional approach.

At our dental office in Ankeny, IA, you have options in your professional cosmetic teeth whitening, so be sure to ask all of your questions at your consultation. By starting with a cleaning and examination, your provider can identify the causes of your discoloration and help you to understand your choices. For a comfortable experience that allows you to improve the appearance of your smile at home, talk to our team about the advantages of a custom home whitening kit. If you are in need of a smile refresh in a hurry, ask about a cosmetic teeth whitening treatment in the office, which can have you ready to go before your big day!

Start Your Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Journey With A Cleaning And Examination

When you need to see a smile improvement, speak with a dentist about your concern before you reach for those supermarket products. Different forms of tooth discoloration can happen for a variety of reasons, so you want to be sure that you are making the right move for the health of your smile. If you overbleach your enamel, you could risk developing dentin sensitivity!

Your dentist can also help you to understand why you have developed these problem stains to start. If you love drinking coffee or red wine, you might need some additional tips in avoiding these stains in the first place. Talk to your dentist about your smile at your semiannual checkup with your dentist.

Ask About Your Teeth Whitening Options From Our Team

After your dentist gives you a diagnosis of extrinsic enamel stains, then it is time to talk about your choices in treatment. For some, the comfort and ease of our custom home teeth whitening kit is the way to go, giving you the opportunity to lighten your smile in a matter of weeks. Others may need to see a change in a quicker timeline, and we can help you as well, with a speedy appointment with our team in the office.

Learn More About Cosmetic Teeth Whitening

When you want to erase those stubborn stains from your smile, talk to our team. Learn more or schedule your next appointment by calling your Ankeny, IA, dentist at (515) 207-6182!