Ankeny, IA, Dental Checkup

Dental Checkups Protect Your Smile

When was the last time you visited your dentist for a cleaning and exam? If it has been more than a year, we encourage you to schedule a checkup right away! Committing to your oral health can pay big dividends by preventing the need for costly restorative work down the road. Visiting on a semiannual basis provides an opportunity to receive a professional cleaning. While your at-home smile care performs the bulk of the work removing bacteria from your smile, a professional cleaning handles deposits that your brush and floss cannot on their own. We complete each cleaning with an exam by your dentist to inspect the health of your oral structures. Regular meetings allow us to create a dental record that can highlight any sudden changes since your last appointment. This can detect active threats early in their development, leading to a simpler treatment protocol.

At your Ankeny, IA, dental practice, we look forward to helping you attain the smile of your dreams. This requires regular cleanings to preserve as much healthy material in your mouth as possible. Your six-month checkup also provides a chance to discuss any cosmetic treatments you have been thinking of exploring. But please remember, the best way to keep your smile looking beautiful is the prevention and treatment of tooth decay and gum disease!

The Common Cause Of Tooth Decay

Brushing your teeth each morning and evening helps remove the combination of bacteria and foodstuffs that lead to tooth decay and other oral threats. This means that neglecting your oral hygiene routine provides a breeding ground for plaque and tartar. As they feed on remnants of your meals, they produce an acidic waste product that eats away at the protective enamel of your smile. Not only does this destroy its beautiful white shine, but it opens the sensitive portions of your tooth to cavities and infection. Pair your at-home care with regular cleanings to scrub any nasty plaque and leave your smile seeming fresh!

Your First Responder For Dental Emergencies

If you scrape, crack, or chip a tooth, let your dentist know right away! Any injury that breaks the protective seal of your tooth’s outer layer can cause problems down the line. We can take a digital X-ray to determine if you need repair with a dental filling, crown, or bond. The use of composite resin allows us to match the shade of your repair to your existing smile.

Speak With Your Ankeny, IA, Dentist About Scheduling Your Next Dental Checkup

Combining regular dental visits with consistent at-home oral hygiene is a winning combination for healthy smiles! If you would like to find out more about our preventive dental services, please contact our Ankeny, IA, dentist’s office at (515) 207-6182 to schedule a visit.