Fix a chipped tooth at Dental Impressions of Ankeny, IA

Repairing A Chipped Tooth With A Crown

Fix a chipped tooth at Dental Impressions of Ankeny, IA

If you have chipped or cracked a tooth, we have a solution for you. At Dental Impressions of Ankeny, IA, we offer a comprehensive type of restoration that will repair the damage and look just like your natural tooth. Leaving a damaged tooth alone can allow for the crack to worsen or even develop into an infection. To prevent these issues, come see us today about crowns.

Read more: Repairing A Chipped Tooth With A Crown

Crowns Blend In With Your Smile

One of the biggest concerns our patients have when it comes to getting a tooth repaired is the appearance. We offer porcelain or zirconia crowns that blend in with the color of your teeth. We typically use this for front teeth and visible areas.

For areas such as your back molars that need more support, we can offer metal crowns as well. These are highly durable and withstand a lot of pressure. This is important for the teeth that help you chew.

What To Expect During This Restoration

Receiving a dental crown will take several appointments. At the initial one, your dentist will look at the damage and decide what the best option is for the crown. Every patient is different, so it is important to have a custom solution for everyone. Then, we will take an impression of your smile for the measurements to be sent to a lab.

While you wait for the permanent cap to be delivered, a temporary one will be placed. This helps for several reasons. First, it protects your tooth against other potential damage. The temporary cap also provides support to the area.

Once the permanent piece is ready, the next appointment will be scheduled. The dentist will remove the temporary crown and then check the fit of the permanent piece. We will also use this time to be sure that the color and shade blend in well. If everything looks correct, the new crown will be bonded to your tooth.

Taking Care Of A Crown

You may have a bit of sensitivity to the area for a couple of days, but this is normal. If you experience any severe discomfort, be sure to talk to your dentist immediately. Other than that, your smile will be good as new in a couple of days once the sensitivity subsides. You should avoid any hard, crunchy, or sticky foods so that your crown does not pull off. Be sure to follow a regular oral hygiene routine and see your dentist twice a year as usual.

Schedule A Consultation Today

Whether your tooth is cracked, broken, or has severely weakened over time, it can often be saved and restored with a custom-designed dental crown. For more information, schedule an appointment with our team by calling Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at (515) 965-0230. We welcome patients from the Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and surrounding communities, and we look forward to helping you achieve your smile goals.