Ankeny, IA dentist can offer restorations such as fillings, crowns, and implants

We Can Help Restore Your Smile

In previous blogs, we have discussed how cosmetic treatments can improve the appearance of your smile. However, your oral hygiene must be in good condition before beginning these treatments. If you have a cavity, broken tooth, or have gaps in your smile, there are restoration services available for you. Today, Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA is here to explain the different options to repair your smile.

Read more: We Can Help Restore Your Smile

Treating Dental Decay

One of the most common problems that patients face is cavities. Almost all people will have a cavity at some point in their lives. Leftover food particles can grow bacteria that turn into plaque, which can begin the formation of a cavity. These can be prevented with proper oral hygiene and dental checkups. During your biannual exam, your dentist will check for early signs of decay.

If you have tooth decay, this can be repaired with a filling. This process includes removing the damaged area and adding composite resin to protect the tooth from further damage. Tooth decay will continue to progress if not properly treated and can cause severe problems.

Repairing Cracks Or Damage

Even with the best dental hygiene, accidents can happen which may harm your tooth. If you frequently grind your teeth, you are at a higher risk of chipping your teeth. This is because your enamel can be worn down and weaken the teeth. If you have damaged one of your pearly whites, it is crucial to have this repaired as soon as possible.

A dental crown is a cap that is placed over the tooth. First, the area will be examined, and measurements will be taken. A lab will create the crown, usually out of materials such as porcelain, zirconia, or metal. Once it is ready, it will be bonded to your natural tooth. A crown will protect your tooth from further damage and restore its function.

Replacing Missing Teeth

If you have lost a permanent adult tooth, a bridge or implant can be used to fill in the gap. You may be mostly concerned with the visual aspect of missing one of your pearly whites, but this can affect your oral health as well. When permanent dentition is lost, it can potentially lead to bone loss, shifts in your alignment, problems with chewing, and more.

A bridge is a good solution for patients with one or more missing teeth in the same row. The prosthetic is supported by the adjacent teeth and does not need to be removed to clean. For patients in search of something sturdier, an implant may be a better alternative. A post will be surgically secured into your jawbone with a crown placed on top. This improves your ability to chew, and speak, and prevents bone loss.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Whether you need a filling, crown, or tooth replacement, we are here to help. To schedule an appointment at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, call (515) 965-0230.