Ankeny, iA dentist offers porcelain veneers

Using Veneers To Elevate Your Look

Are you tired of having a stained or yellow-tinted smile? This can happen due to certain foods we eat or beverages we drink. Helpful treatments like professional whitening can help remove stains, but this process will need to be repeated every few years to maintain your results. For a long-lasting, vibrant grin, porcelain veneers may be a great option for you. Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA offers this option for patients looking to improve the appearance of discolored or uneven teeth.

Read more: Using Veneers To Elevate Your Look

Why Should You Choose Veneers?

Porcelain veneers may be a helpful method for patients looking to correct several imperfections throughout their smile. They can be used to address discoloration, make your teeth appear more vibrant, or correct small gaps between your dental structures. They are made of porcelain and will be able to withstand staining from food and beverages. With proper care, this enhancement will last several years without being damaged.

What To Expect From This Treatment

This cosmetic enhancement may take a few appointments to complete. Before beginning, you will need to have a consultation with your dentist. It is important that you have healthy teeth and gums before starting this process. If you have cavities, this will need to be treated first. You must be free of dental decay before the shells can be placed, otherwise the tooth could deteriorate below the porcelain piece, and they will not stay in place. Patients with signs of gingivitis may not be able to have this done either. Instead, your dentist will need to schedule a series of deep cleanings to get this infection under control. If you have more severe chips or cracks on your pearly whites, veneers may not be suitable for you, either, as they cannot repair this type of damage. Dental crowns may be used to restore your teeth before moving forward with any cosmetic changes.

Preparing Your Smile

Veneers are made out of porcelain that are crafted in a lab. Your dentist will take an impression of your smile to create custom made shells. When they are ready, an appointment will be made to check that they fit properly to your grin. If any adjustments need to be made, they will be done before cementing them in place. We use porcelain for this method because it is highly durable and stain resistant.

Before having these placed, a small amount of your enamel will need to be removed. This allows the pieces to fit properly o your smile and not stand out. Only a small amount of your enamel is removed, and it should not cause you any discomfort.

Learn More About This Option Today

If you are interested in this cosmetic enhancement, Call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA at (515) 965-0230 to schedule an appointment.