Ankeny, IA, dentist offers dental implants to replace msising teeth

Implants Can Mimic Your Lost Tooth

Recently we have discussed restorations that can help address damaged or missing teeth. Options such as dental bridges can help replace up to three structures in a row that may have been lost due to accidents or health complications. Permanent gaps in your smile can make it difficult to chew and may make you feel less confident in your smile. Every patient has unique needs, which is why Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA offers several treatment options. Today, we will be discussing implants, which are another way to renew your smile.

Read more: Implants Can Mimic Your Lost Tooth

How Bridges And Implants Compare

As mentioned earlier, dental bridges can replace a few missing teeth in the same row. This replacement is fixed and does not need to be removed to care for. It can help you eat with more ease and looks natural. Implants can also fill the missing gap. However, this option is unique because it can mimic both the root and crown of the tooth. This means that it is more secure, helps support your jawbone, and gives you a complete smile again. This restoration is also fixed in place, and you will not need to remove it to care for. Bridges are supported by crowns on the adjacent teeth, and implants are secured in place with a titanium post.

Who Can Receive This Restoration

Patients with a strong jaw and healthy gums may be good candidates for dental implants. This process will take several appointments over a few months. Before beginning this process, you will need to have a consultation with your dentist who will go over your health history and examine your oral cavity. Patients will need to be in good health, have a sturdy jaw that can support the post, and be free of cavities and gum disease. If any of these concerns are present, your dentist may recommend restorative treatments or alternative methods.

What To Expect From This Process

After your consultation, an impression will be taken of the area to create the parts of this restoration. Surgery will be required to insert the post into your jaw. Then, a resting period will be required as the post and bone fuse in a natural process. After this has occurred, the abutment and crown can be placed. These pieces allow the implant to have a lifelike appearance. Once the process is complete, the function and appearance of your smile will be improved. It is important to replace your missing teeth, as this can cause several problems for your oral health and overall well-being. Implants can help you eat your favorite foods, and smile with confidence.

Schedule An Appointment Today

You do not have to live with gaps in your smile. To schedule an appointment for this restoration, call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA today at 515-965-0230.