Ankeny, IA, dentist offers professional teeth whitening treatments

A Safe Way To Whiten Your Teeth

It’s normal that your teeth will become discolored over time due to internal and external factors. Before you reach for store bought whitening products like bleaching strips or brightening toothpastes, consider getting a professional treatment done by your dentist. Your team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, is here today to talk about how we can help safely remove stains from your pearly whites.

Read more: A Safe Way To Whiten Your Teeth

The Causes Of These Stains

Your teeth can become easily discolored due to things like foods or beverages we consume, smoking tobacco products, and our genetics. You may be able to avoid staining your pearly whites by limiting the amount of dark-colored beverages you consume and avoiding smoking. The ingredients in these items can leave yellowish or brownish stains on your enamel that make your smile appear discolored. The nicotine and tar found in cigarettes can stain your teeth and also has many negative effects on your oral health. Other times, blemishes may occur below your enamel due to fluoride overuse, injuries, or other conditions. These cannot be removed but they may be able to be conceal with other methods.

Remove Stains At Home Or In Our Office

We understand that it can be tempting to buy store-bought products out of convenience. However, these products are not personalized to your needs and may not target the concerns you have. Instead, you can have your teeth whitened by a professional in our office or take home a custom kit that allows you to accomplish a brighter smile at home. Your dentist will first examine your smile to ensure this is a good option for you. If you have other oral health concerns, these will need to be addressed first. For your whitening treatment, a bleaching agent will be applied to your teeth and activated with a light to help break down the stairs. An in-office treatment can be completed in as little as one appointment. If this is done at home, you can show off your new results in about two weeks.

We Can Help You Conceal Stubborn Blemishes

In some cases, the blemishes on your pearly whites could be due to intrinsic discoloration below your enamel which cannot be removed with a bleaching agent. Options like bonding or veneers could help conceal these imperfections. Bonding is a minimally invasive option where composite resin is bonded to the area. This can be completed in as little as one visit. Veneers are more complex and use porcelain shells that fit over the front of your teeth. You can discuss these options more in depth with your dentist before deciding on the best one for your needs.

Talk To Our Team Today

Do you have any questions about our cosmetic treatment options? Call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, today at 515-965-0230 to learn more!