Ankeny, IA, dentist offers gum disease treatment

Know The Signs Of Gum Disease!

Periodontitis is one of the number one causes for adult tooth loss in the US, and many patients may not even be aware that they are showing symptoms of it. When caught early on, it is possible to treat the infection and protect your smile. In later stages, your dentist can schedule deep cleanings to help you best manage the disease and prevent the many problems that can occur alongside it. Your Ankeny, IA, dentist is here to talk about the signs of gum disease that you should look out for.

Read more: Know The Signs Of Gum Disease!

Swollen, Sensitive, Or Red Gums Could Be A Sign

Periodontal disease does not develop overnight, but rather develops over time starting with plaque buildup that turns into gingivitis. A good oral hygiene routine consisting of brushing and flossing twice a day can help prevent this common problem. If you have noticed that your gum tissue looks more red than usual or you are bleeding when you floss, it may be a sign of an infection. Bleeding when you floss may also be a side effect of flossing too hard or changes to your health, so be sure to ask your dentist about this at your next checkup. Persistently bad breath may also be another indicator of a problem, so if you notice this problem, seek treatment as soon as possible.

Come In For A Checkup As Soon As Possible

As you may already know, you should visit your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and examination. These checkups provide a deeper cleaning, removal of plaque, and can detect many common oral health issues early. If you begin to have noticeable changes in your smile, be sure to come in for a visit as soon as possible. If it’s been a while since your last checkup, schedule a visit today to ensure your oral health is in good shape. Your dentist may examine your smile and looks for signs of swelling, redness, or irritation.

Our Periodontal Services Can Help Manage The Problem

The sooner the concern is examined by a professional, the sooner it can be diagnosed and treated. The disease can progress rapidly before you notice, so it’s best to come in as soon as you are able to do so. If your dentist does find signs of gingivitis or further stages of periodontal disease, deep cleanings can be done to remove plaque buildup and manage your symptoms. Unfortunately, the disease is not curable, but it can be managed with consistent cleanings and improved oral hygiene.

Learn More About Gum Care By Talking To Our Team!

The team at Dental Impressions is here to help maintain your teeth and gums. To schedule an appointment with us, call our office in Ankeny, IA, today at (515) 965-0230.