Ankeny , IA dentist offers periodontal cleanings

Managing Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Gum disease, also referred to as gingivitis or periodontitis, affects millions of patients. This infection can cause your gingival tissue to become inflamed and can lead to other side effects, such as tooth loss. If you have been diagnosed with this condition, it is important to manage your symptoms with the help of deep cleanings and proper oral hygiene. Your team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA offers periodontal cleanings that help keep control of the infection.

Read more: Managing Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Signs That You May Have Gingivitis

Gingivitis is the initial stage of periodontal disease. If caught early, there is a chance that the infection can be treated and reversed. It is important to come in for a dental checkup twice a year to detect symptoms early and begin treatment. Some signs of gingivitis can include red or swollen gums, irritation to the area, or bleeding when you floss. Your dentist may be able to see these signs and diagnose the issue. It is important to schedule deep cleanings as soon as possible to help manage the condition. These treatments are more in-depth than a standard checkup. They help to remove plaque buildup below your gum line.

A Treatment That Can Manage The Infection

When you have periodontal disease, your symptoms must be kept under control to avoid serious issues like gum recession or tooth loss. To do this, you may need several deep cleanings throughout the year. These may take longer than an average appointment and are more thorough. The cleanings can help treat gingivitis or prevent a later stage of periodontal disease from progressing further. A scaling and root planing will be done during this appointment to help remove plaque buildup from below the gum line and promote the reattachment of the root of your tooth to the gums. Your dentist can help you create a consistent checkup routine to have these done as often as necessary. If these cleanings are not done often enough, you can develop a more serious stage of infection.

How You Can Prevent Periodontal Disease

 This infection is often caused by poor oral hygiene. However, there are a few factors that could increase your risk. These include poor nutrition, tobacco use, stress, and genetics. To reduce the likelihood of developing this condition, make sure that you are prioritizing your oral hygiene routine and making healthy lifestyle choices. At home, you should brush and floss at least twice a day. Brushing helps remove food particles that can harbor bacteria, and flossing helps remove these particles from hard-to-reach places. Remember to also see your dentist twice a year for a checkup so that any problems that may arise can be treated promptly.

Talk To Our Team Today

To schedule a deep cleaning or another service, call our team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, today at 515-965-0230.