Ankeny, IA, dentist offers porcelain veneers

What You Need To Know About Porcelain Veneers

If you have read our recent blogs, you will know that there are many cosmetic treatments available for patients to improve the appearance of their smiles. The team at Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, offers methods from professional teeth whitening to cosmetic bonding to help you conceal blemishes and brighten your smile. In today’s blog we’re here to talk about the process of receiving porcelain veneers.

Read more: What You Need To Know About Porcelain Veneers

The Process Can Take A Few Weeks

Treatments such as whitening or cosmetic bonding can be completed in as little as a single appointment in many cases. Porcelain veneers require more preparation and the process from start to finish can take several weeks or months. You will first need a consultation with your dentist to discuss your goals, examine your oral health, and take an impression of your teeth to create the custom veneers. When discussing your goals with your dentist, you can decide which teeth you would like to have covered with a shell and what shade you would like them to be. You must be in good oral health with no signs of cavities, gingivitis, or other harm before proceeding with this cosmetic improvement.

They Can Help Disguise Multiple Flaws

Porcelain veneers may be a helpful option for patients who have multiple blemishes and imperfections throughout their smile. These can be addressed with a combination of whitening treatments and bonding, but this process can be time consuming for many patients and may not yield the exact desired results. Instead, your dentist may recommend veneers if you have various problems throughout your smile like small surface chips, stubborn discoloration, or misshapen teeth. You can have a single one added over a problem tooth or have them added on your most visible teeth for a symmetrical grin. The custom porcelain shells used for this process will be secured to the front of your natural teeth to create a more uniform look.

You Will Need To Keep Up With Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Getting porcelain veneers does not mean that you no longer have to upkeep your oral hygiene. In fact, after receiving them, it’s important that you practice a good oral hygiene routine to prevent cavities and gingivitis. If decay occurs on the tooth with a porcelain shell, it could erode beneath it and cause the shell to come off. Gum disease is also a threat to this cosmetic procedure. Developing an infection along your gums could risk the tissue from receding and your tooth may not be able to support your porcelain. Your dentist will teach you how to properly clean around your new teeth so that they can be properly maintained.

Questions About This Enhancement? Talk To Our Team

We’re here to answer any questions you may have about cosmetic dentistry. Call Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, today at 515-965-0230 to learn more!