The Seriousness of a Toothache

, before the tooth is lost due to an injury or a severe infection.

Why Toothaches Happen

Your tooth’s nerves, which send pain signals to your brain, are located at the center of the tooth, in a hollow chamber called the pulp. To protect the nerves and tissues, a tooth is comprised of layers; dentin, the main body of your tooth, and enamel, the highly-resilient layer of mineral crystals surrounding it. The pulp is also connected to the roots that extend underneath the gums and into your jawbone. When a tooth hurts, it’s usually because the pulp or the roots connected to it have been exposed, either through a fracture, a progressive cavity, or gum recession due to gum disease.

When You Should Seek Immediate Attention

While a toothache can often warn you of trouble before a dental issue becomes severe, the pain can sometimes indicate issues serious enough to warrant extensive restorative treatment. Some extreme cases that might require restorative work can include;

  • An abscess, or pocket of infection, develops on a severely infected tooth
  • An infected or fractured tooth root that requires extraction and replacement (preferably with a dental implant)
  • An impacted wisdom tooth that pushes against and threatens the molars around it


Since 2006, Dr. Amanda Foust has proudly treated families in Ankeny, Alleman, Elkhart, Bondurant, and all surrounding communities. To learn more, schedule an appointment with your Ankeny, IA dentist today. You can reach Dental Impressions by calling (515) 965-0230.