Implants: A Nice Gift For 2018

One of the more challenging issues to face with your smile is tooth loss. Even when you choose prosthetics like bridges or dentures, you may find that you’re still not completely satisfied with your grin. You miss the stable smile you once had when it was full of natural teeth. Is there a solution you’re overlooking, you may wonder? For some, that solution is dental implants. Learn more to find out how they may improve your life (and consider gifting them to yourself for the New Year)!

What Makes Implants Different?

When you choose a bridge or denture of any kind, you are replacing the part of your teeth that sits above your gums. This is not a true replication of your natural teeth because the prosthetics are not anchored into your jaw tissue. With natural teeth, they are anchored by your roots. When you choose implants, this is what you get:

  • The dental implants are actually replacing just the roots of your teeth; they’re placed in your jawbone by a trusted oral surgeon
  • The implants, once the process is complete, will then offer support to the restoration you choose, which may be a dental crown for one implant post or a bridge or denture for multiple posts

Why Choose Them Now?

If you are unhappy with your daily experience because tooth loss and the prosthetic you’re currently wearing have taken away from the ease you once enjoyed (maybe eating or talking is difficult), then you may be ready for dental implants. You’ll also be pleased to learn that they can help keep your jaw tissue safe. When roots (natural or in the form of implants) are present, they send a message to your body to let it know it must keep your tissue supplied with essential nutrients.

Fully Replace Teeth With Implants

Get all of the implant details you’re looking to understand from our team. Visit us for a dental consultation in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.