Surprising Smile Changes Brought On By Pregnancy

Pregnancy can feel like a magical time, a confusing time, an overwhelming time … it’s unique to each person. What’s certain is that no matter what, it is most definitely a time that brings on a plethora of changes! While you may notice this shift in many areas of your life, you may not have realized that your smile health would be included in that list. To help prepare you ahead of time for common changes that may arise as a result of your shifting hormones, we offer up some details that frequently surprise first time mothers! Remember: Coming in for care is essential!

Your Teeth Suddenly Seem Loose

Yes, we know, the last thing you want to deal with is one more perplexing change. However, this really is one of the symptoms that may occur during your pregnancy. What’s going on, you wonder? While you may assume you’re experiencing some type of oral disease, your smile health is likely just fine. Instead, the rise in progesterone and estrogen, both hormones, can result in the loosening of the bones and ligaments that surround and support teeth. The result? Teeth seem loose! See us about this just to be sure nothing is the matter.

You’re More Prone To Gingivitis!

Now, to make things a bit more complicated, that increase in hormones is also to blame for your gums becoming much more susceptible to gingivitis. You’ve got increased blood flow, which means the irritating bacteria on your teeth have a greater chance of irritating your gums. Keep your smile health in shape by seeing us for cleanings and checkups and remember to brush and floss at home to prevent this!

See Us For Advice To Protect Oral Health During Pregnancy

In addition to the fact that you will need to keep up with your twice-annual visits for checkups and cleanings, during your appointment, we can also provide you with helpful suggestions for smile care during pregnancy. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.