When was the last time you visited your dentist for a checkup and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months since your last meeting, give us a call right away! By adopting a preventive attitude toward your oral care, you can maintain a healthy smile free from decay and disease, and treat active […]
Category: General & Preventive Dentistry
When To Schedule Your Next Dental Visit
Do you visit the dentist for a standard checkup every six months? If it has been longer than you would like to admit since your last appointment, it’s never too late to get back on track! By prioritizing your oral care, you maintain a healthy smile resistant to common threats like tooth decay and gum […]
Is It Time For A Dental Checkup?
When was the last time you visited your dentist? If it has been longer than you care to admit, a cleaning and examination may be in your future. By prioritizing a preventive attitude toward oral health, you prevent damage to your smile from occurring instead of reacting to it later. While we provide a variety […]
The Benefits Of Preventive Dental Treatment
Do you prioritize regular trips to the dentist for checkups? If it has been more than a year since your last cleaning, we encourage you to adopt a preventive attitude toward your oral care and schedule an exam today. When you combine the efforts of daily brushing and flossing with timely cleanings, you give your […]
Is It Time For You To Visit The Dentist?
If it has been longer than six months since you last made a dental appointment, it may be time to schedule a visit! We suggest receiving a cleaning and examination at least twice per year to help prevent oral threats such as tooth decay and gum disease. While the daily brushing and flossing habits you […]
Take Advantage Of Your Dental Checkups
Have you visited your dentist in the last six months? We encourage scheduling a cleaning and examination twice per year to help you take a preventive attitude toward your oral health. By attending on a routine basis, you receive valuable care that complements your hygiene routine at home. While brushing and flossing your teeth form […]
Schedule Your Next Dental Exam
When was the last time you visited your dentist for a standard checkup and cleaning? If it has been longer than half a year, we suggest scheduling an appointment to stay on top of your oral health. By meeting with us regularly, we can inspect the efforts of your daily brushing and flossing and remove […]
Is It Time To Visit Your Dentist?
Has it been more than six months since your last trip to the dentist? If so, we recommend regular visits to stay on top of your oral health. While daily brushing and flossing are your key behaviors to preventing tooth decay and gum disease, dental checkups help evaluate the results of your hygiene routine. We […]
Removing Your Plaque And Treating Decay
When was the last time you attended a cleaning with your dentist? If you have been putting off your appointments, you should consider getting back on track to help fight tooth decay. Regular trips to the dentist offer professional removal of plaque and tartar deposits that lead to gum disease and cavities. Although brushing and […]
Reliable Care For Tooth Decay
How often do you visit the dentist? If it has been a while since your last appointment, we suggest scheduling a meeting at least twice per year to maintain your oral health. When you attend regularly, you gain professional care toward preventing the causes of tooth decay and gum disease. While your everyday oral hygiene […]