Prevent gum disease with periodontal cleannings

Managing Your Gum Disease

Your gums play a vital role in your dental health, as well as your physical health. They help shape your smile, protect against infection, and keep your pearly whites in place. Periodontal disease can cause your gums to recede and weaken, which can harm your smile. At Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, we can help […]

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Keeping Your Gums Healthy!

At Dental Impressions in Ankeny, IA, we emphasize the importance of oral hygiene to keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful. But there are more concerns than that regarding your oral health. Periodontitis- also known as gum disease – is a common but serious disease that can harm overall wellness. In today’s blog, we’ll […]

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Ankeny, IA, Gum Disease

Caring For Your Gums

When a dentist tells you you have a gum infection, it can be quite disappointing. This tissue provides the sturdy connection between your teeth and jaw that holds your smile in place. Without treatment, the symptoms can progress and become quite extreme. If you notice consistent bleeding whenever you floss and brush, chronic bad breath, […]

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Ankeny, IA, Gum Disease

Caring For Your Gum Infection

Learning you have a gum infection can be a bit scary. This vital connective tissue supports your smile, and when it becomes damaged, the symptoms can be quite severe. When healthy, your gums prevent bacteria from entering deeper into the jawbone that holds your teeth in place. But when irritation begins to destroy this important […]

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