Spotting Signs Of Bruxism

Bruxism is a term for habitual, unconscious teeth grinding, which can occur most often while you sleep. Because bruxism is more frequent during sleep, sufferers may not realize that it is occurring. Symptoms that suggest possible teeth grinding included, headaches, jaw stiffness, and damage to teeth. If you find your self waking up to these pains, or notice signs of physical damage on your teeth you are unable to account for, you should talk to your dentist. If you are experiencing bruxism, your dentist can offer treatments, and work to restore damage this issue has inflicted on your teeth.

How Bruxism Hurts Your Oral Health

Over time, teeth grinding can cause consequential damage to your jaws, and your teeth. The pressure bruxism places on your jaw joints can contribute to TMJ problems, which can make chewing, biting, and talking more painful. It can also cause you to suffer headaches. The force exerted by, and against, your teeth during grinding can damage them. Bruxism sufferers can crack their teeth, or leave them worn down. In some cases, prolonged bruxism can cause irreparable harm to your teeth.

Remedying Bruxism

Your dentist can provide a mouth guard to protect your teeth, or an oral splint, which can help realign your jaw to reduce the practice of grinding. If your teeth have suffered damage from bruxism, restorative treatments are available. Your dentist can place a dental crown over a tooth that has been cracked, or become too worn down to adequately function. The crown can provide protection, rand restore function. A porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal crown can resemble a natural tooth.