What Happens At A Checkup And Cleaning?

When was the last time you visited the dentist for a routine exam? What may seem like minor procedures, having your teeth cleaned and examined can actually help prevent the onset of serious oral health problems. What happens at a checkup and cleaning? Why are these preventive visits so crucial for maintaining a healthy and attractive smile?

Frequently Asked Questions About Checkups and Cleanings

Question: When should I have a checkup?

Answer: The American Dental Association recommends an exam once every six months. During the visit we carefully examine the teeth with digital x-rays, which create accurate, detailed images and use around 80% less radiation. We may also use an intraoral camera, which is a handheld wand that allows the doctor to take pictures of each individual tooth.

Question: Why do I need an exam?

Answer: You need a checkup so the doctor can identify areas that might require treatment. During an exam the doctor may find signs of decay, periodontal disease, or oral cancer. Early diagnosis allows for a greater chance of full recovery and reduces the chances of needing more intensive and costly treatments.

Question: What happens during a cleaning?

Answer: During a cleaning the doctor or a dental hygienist will remove the layers of plaque from your teeth with either a manual tool or an ultrasonic scaler. Then the teeth will be thoroughly polished. Like an exam, this needs to be done at least once every six months.

Question: What are the benefits of this procedure?

Answer: Removing plaque offers a number of benefits for your smile. For example, removing plaque reduces the risk of periodontal disease, freshens the breath, and decreases the chances of tooth decay forming. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a checkup and cleaning then contact our office today.