Baby Teeth: Is Dental Hygiene Essential?

Are you unsure about whether dental hygiene is actually necessary for baby teeth? The short answer to that question is that it is absolutely essential. As for the reasons, get ready to be a bit surprised! Beyond ensuring your child’s smile looks beautiful, feels good, and remains healthy are some details regarding development, function, and the entire future of your little one’s grin. Trust us, if you weren’t sure why brushing and flossing was such a big deal before, your certainty and motivation are about to skyrocket.

It Forms Habits Early (Which Is More Effective)

You know how they say younger people learn different languages much easier? Have you ever heard the saying you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? When it comes to establishing habits that need to become a consistent, auto-pilot part of your children’s lives, the sooner you start, the better. The same is true for dental hygiene. When you begin with brushing and flossing at a young age, baby teeth stay healthy and your little one learns to perform this essential task out of habit!

Damaged Baby Teeth Yield Serious Problems

As for the more serious side of why you need dental hygiene for baby teeth, it’s because healthy baby teeth are absolutely necessary for many reasons. Consider the following, so you remain dedicated to keeping smiles clean:

  • Healthy, present teeth are necessary for optimal speech development
  • Your child’s chewing habits (and ability to eat solid foods) will develop with the use of baby teeth
  • Permanent teeth develop and remain protected by the baby teeth, so early damage may cause long-term damage to your little one’s adult smile.

Protect Baby Teeth For A Healthy Future Smile

If you have questions about children’s dental care, we are always happy to offer advice, answers, and necessary treatments. Schedule time for your little one as soon as possible! To set up a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA, contact Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.