Dental Hygiene Is No Match For GERD

Are you pretty certain that you’re suffering from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)? Do you figure that the acid you can taste in your mouth is probably not very good for your oral health but you hope as long as you brush and floss regularly, you’ll be in good shape? Unfortunately, dental hygiene is no match for GERD! Take a moment of your time to learn why this isn’t a solid solution and what exactly you should do about it.

Acid Attacks Leave Teeth Vulnerable

When you’re dealing with GERD, acids are splashing into your mouth, as you know. They coat your teeth, leaving them extremely vulnerable to immediate injury and to erosion over time. Here’s why you can’t rely on dental hygiene alone:

  • If you brush immediately after you notice acid in your mouth, you’re brushing your teeth at their most vulnerable (which is a bad idea)
  • If you rinse and wait and then brush, you’re doing a good job but your teeth are still exposed to acid on a regular basis

What To Do

You need to treat your GERD. There may be lifestyle changes you can make to limit the amount of reflux you experience. Your doctor may suggest a particular medication that can help stop any over-production of the acid, so you’re less likely to end up with reflux. As a result, the acids will not make their way into your mouth and you won’t have to find temporary solutions for neutralizing them. As for your dental care, remember the following:

  • You’ll want to continue with your usual dental hygiene
  • You should talk with us about your condition, so we can check your teeth and offer additional preventive tips
  • If damage has occurred, we can help repair your smile

Keep Your Smile Safe From Problems By Seeing Us

Not sure how to handle issues like GERD as you try to care for your smile? We can fill you in on all of the information you need. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.