Dental Hygiene: Don’t Give Into The Urge To Skip

There will likely be more than one time in your life during which you think to yourself, “I think I’ll skip my dental hygiene just this once!” Unfortunately, this will not provide you with any benefits whatsoever. While you go on about your business, assuming this one little skipped brushing (and flossing) session is no big deal, there are things going on that you might not realize. These things, unfortunately, can damage your oral health. Find out more!

What Can Happen

You think that skipping your dental hygiene just once is perfectly okay because you swear you’ll never do it again! What you don’t realize is that it’s not about the way you feel or your intentions. It’s simply about giving plaque (which is soft and something you can brush and floss away) time to turn into immovable tartar (which forms in as little as 24 hours and will require a dental professional for removal). So, don’t skip your brushing or your flossing. Do it every time you’re supposed to because it really will help you avoid experiencing cavities, dealing with gum disease, and more.

How To Combat Those Urges

So, you’ve got urges that come up, which is a pretty common problem for everyone! How to avoid them, prevent them, and practice your dental hygiene instead, you wonder? Consider the following:

  • Set a schedule and adhere to it no matter what
  • If you think something is going to get in the way of it, then plan ahead (for instance, if you’re going to have a late night, plan on brushing the second you get home)
  • Don’t cozy up on the sofa or in bed to watch TV or read before you’ve brushed and flossed, that way, you won’t accidentally miss it
  • If you are having problems with your brushing or flossing, let us know, so we can help
  • Always keep your cabinet stocked, so you don’t skip simply because you ran out of something

Keep Your Dental Hygiene In Check With Our Help

Make sure you’re putting in the time, effort, and correct methods for dental hygiene that’s successful by checking in with us during preventive visits. Visit us for a dental checkup in Ankeny, IA by contacting Dental Impressions to schedule a visit at (515) 965-0230.